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국군체육부대 국군체육부대 영어로


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  • Korea Armed Forces Athletic Corps
  • 체육부    Ministry of Sports
  • 태국 관광체육부    Ministry of Tourism and Sports (Thailand)
  • 군체    군체 [群體] 『生態』 a colony .
  • 육부    육부 [六腑] the six internal organs.
  • 제2차 세계 대전의 미국군 부대    Military units and formations of the United States in World War II
  • 제2차 세계 대전의 영국군 부대    Military units and formations of the United Kingdom in World War II
  • 개미 군체    Ant colony
  • 국군    국군 [國軍]1 [한 나라의 군대] a nation's armed[military] forces; government troops.2 [자기 나라의 군대] our troops; our armed forces; [한국군] the Korean Army, Navy and Air Force; the Korean armed forces; the armed for
  • 체육    체육 [體育] physical training[culture]; the physical upbuilding ; (교과명) physical education; [체조] gymnastics; [운동] athletics. ~의 날 Health Sports Day. ~을 장려하다 encourage physical culture.▷ 체육가 a physical e
  • 교육부    교육부 [敎育部] the Ministry of Education; the Education Ministry. ~ 검정필 approved by the Ministry of Education.▷ 교육부 장관 the Minister of Education; the Education Minister.
  • 체육 체육    Physical education
  • 부대    부대 [附帶] incidental; incident(▶ 주로 서술적으로 쓰임); accessory. ~하다 accompany; be incidental[accessory / appendant] to; be attached[annexed] to. 부동산의 소유에 ~ 되는 권리와 의무 the rights and duties incident(al) to o
  • 미국 교육부    United States Department of Education
  • 발육부전의    failed; miscarrying; stamen; misborn; abortive; stillborn; unsuccessful; sterile; fruitless; abortional
  • 발육부진전    undergrowth; underwood
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